4 Of The Biggest Reasons Why A Commercial System Can Be Good For Your Business:






#1: Depreciation


The biggest difference between a Residential and Comercial solar system is the fact that you can factor the cost of the installation as depreciation in your business tax filing which is not possible for a Residential Solar System. This means it takes a year less than a Residential installation for you to start making a profit on the money that you invest into your system. 

#2: Community Impact


Improve your reputation with your customers and local community with environmentally friendly practices.  Adding a solar system to your business is a tangible way to stand by your ideals and to promote and sustain healthy business practices.  Besides the immediate economic incentive of putting up a Commercial solar system and generating clean electricity, the positive impact on the image of your business will be its own reward.

#3: Financial Reward

 Depreciation is the reason why it will take less time for a Commercial system to make a return on your investment than a Residential system.  In addition, Comercial solar systems have all of the financial benefits that a Residential system has which includes: Federal and State tax credits, Free Electricity and Cash Solar Renewable Energy Certificate payments.

#4: Environmental Impact

Last but not least, a solar installation drastically reduces the impact your business has on the environment.  Your system represents a step towards improving the condition of planet earth and your direct support for the prevention of environmental degradation.  Everyone puts up solar systems for different reasons but the primary benefit of solar energy generation is environmental. For this reason the government incentivizes installations to support practices that reduce environmental impacts.

4 Of The Biggest Reasons Why A Commercial System Can Be Good For Your Business:






#1: Depreciation


The biggest difference between a Residential and Comercial solar system is the fact that you can factor the cost of the installation as depreciation in your business tax filing which is not possible for a Residential Solar System. This means it takes a year less than a Residential installation for you to start making a profit on the money that you invest into your system. 

#2: Community Impact


Improve your reputation with your customers and local community with environmentally friendly practices.  Adding a solar system to your business is a tangible way to stand by your ideals and to promote and sustain healthy business practices.  Besides the immediate economic incentive of putting up a Commercial solar system and generating clean electricity, the positive impact on the image of your business will be its own reward.

#3: Financial Reward

Depreciation is the reason why it will take less time for a Commercial system to make a return on your investment than a Residential system.  In addition, Comercial solar systems have all of the financial benefits that a Residential system has which includes: Federal and State tax credits, Free Electricity and Cash Solar Renewable Energy Certificate payments.

#4: Environmental Impact

Last but not least, a solar installation drastically reduces the impact your business has on the environment.  Your system represents a step towards improving the condition of planet earth and your direct support for the prevention of environmental degradation.  Everyone puts up solar systems for different reasons but the primary benefit of solar energy generation is environmental. For this reason the government incentivizes installations to support practices that reduce environmental impacts.